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Ayurvedic Treatments for Natural Weight Loss: Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle

There are many indexes for analyzing the ideal body weight. Height (cm) minus 100 = ideal weight in kg for males; Height (cm) minus 105 = ideal weight in kg for females. An understanding of your body weight will help in better planning for weight reduction. Calculate your Body Mass Index with this formula: Weight (in kilogram) / Height2 (in meters). The BMI categories as follows: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Achieve Healthy Weight Loss with Ayurveda 

A quick weight-loss can cause other health issues. Therefore, a proper planning for a healthy weight reduction set with a time frame is important. A weight reduction of 0.8 to 1kg per week (4kg in a month!!) is easily achievable with a consistent planned diet and exercise unless you have any hormonal or metabolic imbalances. You may plan for a weight reduction of 0.8 to 1 kg per week. To lose 1 kg a week you will need to create a calorie deficit of 500 kcal per day either by diet control or by increased activities or both. One hour of walking can only burn approx. 130 kcal which is just equal to the calorie value of a croissant!

A sample Indian diet with 1250-1300 kcal is given as follows. However, it is better to consult our Ayurveda doctor to plan a diet and exercise. 

  • Early morning: Tea with 1⁄2 tsp. sugar 1 cup 
  • Breakfast: Oats – 2 tablespoon, 1 cup skim milk, 1 orange 
  • Lunch: 1 1⁄2 cup rice, 1 cup Lady’s finger dish, fish curry (1 piece with gravy), good helping of salad, 1 glass Buttermilk 
  • Mid evening: Tea with 1/2 tsp. sugar – 1 cup 
  • Dinner: Tomato soup – 1 bowl; Beans sprouts – 1 1⁄2 cup; Raw vegetables – 1 cup 

Calculation of your calorie requirement is also based on the number of hours you spent on different activity levels, rest / light / heavy in a 24 hours period. For a sedentary lifestyle, you would have to take a calorie intake of below 1500. Consider taking your calorie requirements broken into smaller, 250-calorie mini-meals. Consider limiting the amount of starches – such as bread, pasta and rice.

Our metabolism slows down with age, hormonal changes near to menopause in women, hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) etc. Our expert physician in Abu Dhabi shall make an Ayurvedic treatment for weight-loss, through a consultation process. Improving and balancing our metabolic rate with herbs and medicines is an important aspect of weight loss. Our Ayurvedic doctor in Abu Dhabi will suggest herbs, medicines, external treatments like Udvarthanam, Dhanyamla dhara, and dietary changes. According to Ayurveda Kapha, Pitta and Vata are imbalanced in an obese individual; however, primary target is to balance Kapha dosha. Our Ayurveda treatment for weight loss will also help to lower triglycerides, cholesterol and sugar levels and helps to improve nourishment of other healthy body tissues. Back to Roots Ayurvedic clinic in Abu Dhabi also focuses on treating the complications of being overweight like – varicose veins, low back pain, knee pain, diabetes, hypertension.

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