Janu Vasti Therapy

Janu Vasti -Therapy

An effective Ayurveda Treatment for Knee pain

About the Therapies

Janu Vasti is a simple, yet potent, Ayurvedic therapy is highly effective in alleviating knee joint pain and other related ailments. “Janu” signifies the knee joint, while “Vasti” denotes the act of retaining or holding oils in place.


A dough is made of flour and black gram powder with water. It is placed encircling the knee forming a dam. Subsequently, warmed prescribed medicated oil is gently poured into this enclosure. As the oil cools, it is replenished. After 30 to 40 minutes, the dough ring and oil are removed, completing the procedure.

Benefits of Janu Vasti for Knee problems:


Patient info:

The treatment requires minimal preparation from patient side, other than the patience to keep the knee still for 40 minutes during the treatment. At Back to Roots, our experienced Ayurveda doctors ensures that the Januvasti is performed at the right stage and using the right oils. Januvasti is mostly done in Vata imbalances.


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