Life according to Ayurveda, is a combination of senses, mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda has a specialty branch which deals emotional & mental health. Stress is a normal part of our life. An ability to cope up with such stress situations is an important aspect of a healthy mind. Recognition of own abilities and skills and to use them fruitfully at the workplace or social life is also a sign of good mental health. According to Ayurveda our mind is endowed with a good quality named Satva which balances the other negative qualities of mind (Rajas & Tamas). We all have mental qualities of ego, anger, pride, lust, vanity, competition, fear, grief, laziness, depression, anxiety etc. However, the Satva qualities of mind maintains a harmony and balance of mind with faith, purity, righteousness, and provides us true knowledge. A person is happy when he or she can differentiate the real from unreal, good from the pleasant and the eternal from transient. Issues affecting the body (due to Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and mind (due to Rajas & Tamas) are interchangeable. The focus of Ayurveda is to balance Vata, Pitta, Kapha. In cases of imbalance of Rajas and Tamas, Ayurveda also advises psychotherapy and spiritual therapies. Back to Roots Ayurveda Clinic in Abu Dhabi offers a variety of holistic treatments to balance Vata-Pitta-Kapha. Lifestyle modification – especially setting a daily routine in terms of sleeping, exercise and diet – and modification of lifestyle most suited for the changing climatic seasons are important for maintaining our mental health. According to Ayurveda, our food can also influence the mental qualities. In the manomithra package, we also combine Ayurveda medicines, yoga, meditation, oil therapies through a consultation with our Ayurvedic doctor in Abu Dhabi.
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