Pizhichil Therapy

Pizhichil -Therapy

An Ayurvedic massage therapy for Neurological and musculoskeletal conditions

About the Therapies

Pizhichil is a traditional Kerala Ayurvedic treatment. Pizhichil literally translates to ‘squeezing.’ It is a type of Sarvangadhara, i.e., pouring a continuous stream of medicated oil on the body in a methodical manner for a specific period. Pizhichil is an effective therapy for neurological conditions like stroke and effective in Vata Pitta imbalances of joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Pizhichil is also used as a rejuvenation therapy to increase energy and vitality in healthy individuals.


All the medicines and oils are prepared and kept ready. Warm oil is applied on the head, ears, palms, soles, and Marma points and gently massaged into the body. The medicated oil is squeezed over the body in a steady stream from a cotton cloth.

After the treatment, the patient is advised to have a warm bath. Then, Rasnadi Choornam is applied over the head to avoid Kapha imbalance.



Patient info:

The treatment demands minimal preparation on the patient’s part. We provides soaps, shampoos, bath towels and disposables. You will be offered special drinks before starting the treatment as a part of the traditional protocol; these may have bitter taste as they are prepared from herbs. If you experience any discomfort, due to the warmth of the treatment, promptly inform our therapists. It is also important to inform our Ayurveda doctor if you experience any nasal congestion or common cold or allergies or fever as these are contra-indications of the Pizhichil treatment.


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