Podi Kizhi Therapy

Podi Kizhi -Therapy

An Ayurveda massage with herbal compress – A remedy for Joint pains

About the Therapies

Podi kizhi, also known as Choorna Pinda Swedham is one of the most popular Ayurvedic treatments, done with herbal powders. ‘Podi,’ translates to powder, and ‘kizhi,’ refers to a bolus or poultice. Various combinations of medicated herbal powders are used, depending on individual medical diagnosis and conditions.

Ayurveda heat therapies relieves stiffness, heaviness and coldness. Different powder blends such as Kolakulathadi Choornam, Kottamchukkadi Choornam, and powders of Horse gram (muthira), Dill seed, fenugreek etc are used to prepare the poultice.


The powder is meticulously prepared from dried and crushed grains, roots and bark of medicinal plants. It is encased within a cloth and shaped into a poultice (bolus), and gently heated.

Once the patient is seated comfortably, and the lukewarm poultice is applied to induce therapeutic warmth across the body or targeted regions. This massage stimulates perspiration, leaving the patient feeling rejuvenated and light post-treatment.



Patient info:

You might have noticed that pain relief is a common indication in most of the Ayurveda treatments. However, all pains and aches are not alike and pre-made treatments may not be effective in all cases. At Back to Roots, we ensures tailor-made therapies under the supervision of best Ayurvedic doctors in Abu Dhabi. It is advisable to refrain from over exertion, exposure to cold breeze, consumption of cold foods & drinks, cold water baths, water sports, day-time sleep etc during the treatments. Speak to our Ayurveda Doctor for more personalized regimens.


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