Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues, particularly the synovium – the lining of the membranes that surround the joints. This leads to inflammation, pain, swelling, stiffness, and eventually joint damage and deformity if left untreated.
One of the hallmarks of rheumatoid arthritis is its symmetrical pattern of joint involvement, meaning that if one joint is affected, the corresponding joint on the opposite side of the body is usually affected as well. Commonly affected joints include those in the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, and feet.
Symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis include pain and stiffness in more then one joint, weight loss, fever, fatigue or tiredness , weakness etc. Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect other organs and systems in the body, leading to complications such as inflammation of the eyes (uveitis), inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis), lung disease, heart problems, and osteoporosis.
The exact cause of Rheumatoid arthritis is not clearly known, Ayurveda experts believe that it may be due to different factors like genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors. Certain risk factors, such as family history, smoking, obesity, and environmental exposures, may increase the likelihood of developing the condition.
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, blood tests (such as rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody tests), and imaging studies (such as X-rays and ultrasound).
In Ayurveda, Rheumatoid arthritis spectrum of symptoms can be correlated with Vataraktha, a condition caused by vitiated vata dosha and raktha dhatu. The vitiated factors impair agni (digestion and metabolism) also. There are 2 types mentioned in ayurvedic text uthana (Acute stage ) and Gambheera ( Chronic stage) and describes the symptoms.
Ayurveda treatment of Vata Raktha involves adopting a holistic approach that addresses diet, lifestyle, internal medicines, and Panchakarma therapies to treat Rheumatoid arthritis. Our Ayurveda doctor in Abu Dhabi, device a treatment strategy after a detailed consultation. Here are some key principles for managing Vata raktha;
As per conventional theories, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Also, many drugs used to treat Rheumatoid arthritis cause serious side effects to patient. Ayurveda treatments like herbal decoction dhara, Vasthi, virechana, external herbal application etc. can safely and effective and this relieve pain and delay disease progression and improve patient’s quality of life. Back to Roots Ayurveda clinic in Abu Dhabi, gives clinically significant improvement in rheumatoid arthritis on a par with other medicines with the added advantage of lesser side-effects.
By incorporating these Ayurvedic principles into daily life, individuals can effectively manage Vata Raktha and promote overall health and well-being. Living with rheumatoid arthritis can be challenging, but with proper management and support through ayurveda management, many individuals with Rheumatoid arthritis are able to lead active and fulfilling lives.
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