Shuddhi – Panchakarma Program

Shuddhi – Panchakarma Program

10 Days to 30 Days

Ayurveda has 2 approaches to treat the imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. One is the balancing approach of Vata, Pitta & Kapha through medicines, diet and lifestyle called as Samana treatment. Panchakarma is the second approach which is indicated in severe and chronic disease conditions. Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy is also recommended for preventive healthcare, especially performed with the climatic changes in our environment. Oil therapies are performed as a preparation procedure of Panchakarma. Vasty therapy is the administration of herbs and oils through anal route targeting a Vata imbalance while a Virechana (purgation therapy) is effective in Pitta problems. Ayurveda uses specific herbs to induce a controlled therapeutic vomiting to address Kapha imbalances. Nasya is the instillation of medicated oils or liquids or herbal powders through the nasal route. Raktha moksha is a process of blood-letting performed in skin diseases, Musculo-skeletal issues, varicose veins, non-healing ulcers etc. Panchakarma is not a medicine or a package which can be purchased as readymade from an Ayurveda clinic in Abu Dhabi. Careful observation and a stage-by-stage strategy and planning is required for a good Panchakarma treatment. A detailed analysis of dosha state and stage, involvement of Ama, strength of our digestion and metabolism, assessment of the strength of body tissues and organs, habituation of the patient, climatic condition etc should be carefully examined before planning an Ayurveda panchakarma treatment.


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