Soundarya – Skin & Hair Care Program

Soundarya – Skin & Hair Care Program

7 Days to 21 Days

Skin is our body’s most exposed organ which plays an important role, not only in the protection of our body, but also provides us the beauty and magnificence. Since our skin is exposed to the external environment, it needs regular care to maintain our beauty and health. Ayurveda defines skin beauty using 3 factors – Roopa (external beauty), Guna (qualities of an individual), Vaya-tyaga (long-lasting beauty). There are several factors influencing these 3 factors – Prakruty (body type), Sara (quality of body tissues), Lifestyle, genetics, food habits, digestion and metabolism, mental health etc. Ayurveda measure skin beauty using 3 parameters – Varnam (skin color), Chaya (skin complexion) and Prabha (body glow). According to Ayurveda, Vata is responsible for skin color, Pitta is responsible for skin complexion and Ojas provides us a glowing skin.

Hair care is also a strong arm of Ayurveda having with hundreds of herbs, recipes, and oils to treat hair fall and scalp issues. There are Ayurvedic hair oils which are warm and cold potency; some oils are prepared with bitter herbs, some with sour herbs, and few with sweet and spicy herbs. The quality and efficacy vary from one another; mixing results in conflicts. The selection of the right hair oil and right hair tonic should be made through a detailed consultation with our Ayurveda doctor in Abu Dhabi. Ayurveda also offers several therapies like Abhyanga, Takra dhara, Thalapothichil, Nasya, Navaratheppu etc and Panchakarma therapies, for improving the health and beauty of skin and hairs.


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