Takra Dhara Therapy

Takra Dhara -Therapy

Shiro Dhara treatment with medicated buttermilk

About the Therapies

Thakradhara is a traditional Kerala Ayurveda treatment; the terminology is originated from two words – Takra and dhara. Thakra means buttermilk and dhara means ‘a stream’. In this treatment, a continuous stream of medicated buttermilk is drizzled over forehead or over body parts, in a methodical manner for a specific duration. Takradhara is an effective therapy for skin diseases like psoriasis, hormonal disorders and diseases originating from the imbalance of Vata and Pitta.


Medicated buttermilk is prepared by the decoction of Gooseberry (Amla) and Mustha roots (Cyperus rotundus). Initially, a warm Ayurveda oil is applied all over the body and our therapists performs a gentle massage. Medicated butter milk is filled in the dhara pot and our experts direct the stream (through a cloth wick) on patient’s forehead. We maintain a continuous and steady stream through out the procedure. After the treatment, the patient is advised to have a lukewarm shower.



Patient info:

You may observe that Takradhara is beneficial for different health conditions ranging from dermatological issues to neurological problems – this is achieved only by tailor-making the buttermilk with right herbs. Therefore, it is important to consult our Ayurvedic doctor in Abu Dhabi before taking a Takradhara treatment. The patient might feel little cold during and after the therapy; we cover the body with towels to maintain body temperature during the process. This treatment cannot be performed while the patients have cold, rhinitis or fever.


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