Ayurveda Treatment for
Tennis elbow & Golfer’s elbow

Treatment for Tennis elbow & Golfer’s elbow

Understanding Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

In Tennis Elbow, the outer part of the elbow becomes painful and tender; while pain and tenderness of the inside of the elbow is termed as Golfer’s elbow. However, these are conditions affecting homemakers, women, skilled laborers like carpenters, cricket and badminton players, gym goers etc. The overuse of muscles around the elbows results in these 2 conditions which are the inflammatory condition of tendons. Tendons are the structures which connect muscles to the bones – like Achilles tendon, biceps tendon. The muscles of our forearm is connected through tendons to 2 bony structures – lateral epicondyle and medial epicondyle of our humerus (bone of upper arm). The inflammation of tendons connecting to lateral epicondyle (outside of elbow) is termed as lateral epicondylitis or Tennis elbow. The inflammation of tendons connecting to medial epicondyle (inside of elbow) is termed as medial epicondylitis or Golfer’s elbow.

Patients might experience pain while shaking hands, or holding an object, or while opening a bottle or a door handle, or while lifting a grocery bag, or while driving a car. The primary cause is an injury or a repetitive minor sprain which occurs in a racket game, or while using a computer mouse. Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow is also seen in certain inflammatory arthritis conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes, stiffness, numbness, and weakness of the forearm may associate with spreading pain to forearm.

Back to Roots offers good Ayurveda treatments for Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow through an approach which combines internal herbal medicines together with external therapies. Both Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are treated as Vata imbalance in Ayurveda. The approach is through mild oil application and warm / heat therapies. Lepa (herbal pastes) or oils might be suggested to the patient for local application. Choorna pinda swedam (massage with herbal bags), upanaham (bandage with herbal pastes overnight) are time-tested remedies of Ayurveda in treating Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow. If the condition is secondary to an inflammatory arthritis, the management might vary according to the underlying cause. Diabetes, age, habit of smoking are risk factors in the treatment of Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s elbow.

Back to Root’s Ayurvedic clinic in Abu Dhabi offers the authentic Ayurveda treatments for the Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow. Our Ayurvedic doctor shall make a thorough physical examination also might send you for an X Ray or an MRI for a prompt diagnosis. We use the most modern diagnostic tools for the diagnosis while the treatments are completely traditional using natural and herbal products.

Rest is very important for the healing of Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Once pain subsides, muscle strengthening exercises, stretches, are suggested for the prevention of Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow.


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